Settembre 16, 2024

User Guide – Stable Diffusion for Mac, iPhone, iPad “Draw Things”

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This guide is targeted for Mac OS, iPhone, and iPad users. I started with this category because the Apple user base is very wide, and it is possible to use all my models very easily through a program called Draw Things. Before starting, let’s download the program, available directly from the App Store, below is the link to the site:

All the files available on the site can be managed by Draw Things, in a completely simple way. To facilitate the guide I will make several videos, let’s start.

This program can also be used by Windows users, just use a virtual machine, and install MacOS, and then Draw Things, it should work, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Start-us and first rudiments

Follow the steps in the video, here’s what I show:
– How to set the main parameters, the rest is fine
– How to Upload a CK
– How to Upload an Embedding. The LoRA is loaded from the LoRA window, it’s much easier. Maybe I’ll make a video for that too